Initial Use: TruHoof™ Prime should be included at a rate of 4% in
solution, with 1% Zinc Sulphate; 4L of TruHoof™ Prime, 1kg Zinc
Sulphate, 95L of water (based on 100L footbath - 800 sheep passes).
Footbath for 4 consecutive days.
On-going use: TruHoof™ Prime should be included at a rate of 2%
in solution, with 1% Zinc Sulphate; 2L of TruHoof™ Prime, 1kg Zinc
Sulphate, 97L of water (based on 100L footbath - 800 sheep passes).
Footbath as required.
Period of High Infection Pressure: as per ‘Initial Use’ guidelines above.
Spray application: Use TruHoof™ Prime at a rate of 4% with 1% Zinc
Sulphate. Apply daily as required.
BEEF CATTLE (including suckler cows)
TruHoof™ Prime should be included at a rate of 2% in solution,
with 2% Copper Sulphate; 4L of TruHoof™ Prime, 4kg Copper Sulphate,
192L of water (based on 200L footbath).
Footbath for 2 consecutive days, every 6-8 weeks.
• Non-Carcinogenic; no operator-risk of exposure to toxic fumes.
• Reduces Zinc & Copper Sulphate usage by up to 80%.
• Contains unique patented chelant, producing a predictably higher sustainable
concentration of hydrogen ions in solution.
• Lowers pH in the footbath to maximise the available chelated minerals.
• Can be used with spray systems.
• Fast acting, long lasting and easy to use.
• Up to 800 sheep passes in a single footbath.
Beef cattle and sheep can benefit from the use of
TruHoof™ Prime, a complete and innovative footbath
solution. TruHoof™ Prime can also be used in automatic
spray systems as well as backpack sprayers.
TruHoof™ Prime is a low pH buffered product that
reduces the acidity of the footbath to pH 2. The low
pH maximises the available chelated minerals by
maintaining them in solution, preventing precipitation
and thereby prolonging the effective cleaning of the
hooves. This increases the life of the footbath, allowing
up to 800 sheep passes in a single footbath.